Discover how you can achieve more each day without working longer hours.
We often wish there are more hours in the day. Even though we have more so called time saving tools and machines we seam to have less time, and our lives are busier than ever.
As a Solo-preneur, or being Self Employed we wear all the hats. From marketing and promotion, sales calls and transactions, handling the finances, managing cashflow, getting the invoices out, processing the accounts, all on top of actually doing the mahi (work). We then have things like health and safety, compliance, and tax.
And that's just the business side of life . We then have other responsibilities around the home whether as a parent, carer, serving at church or sports clubs and we want time to enjoy hobbies and recreation too, which often is one of the first things to go. We need to allow for the covid factor too.
Quite frankly it can be all too overwhelming and exhausting, which is why 85% of businesses don't make their 5th Birthday.
The good news is it doesn't have to be that way.
In this video I interview Chartered Accountant Mark Pfeifer on how he navigates his way through this challenge and the tools and strategies he uses to Achieve More ...Working Less.
Click the link below to get yourself a copy of the book Mark features in, Trailblazer:!form/Trailblazer
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